Based on our 9 years of real time implementation by a variety of valet parking service providers
The locations where they operate their services such as Hotels, Hospitals, Restaurants, Commercial buildings, Residential areas and Shopping centers.
The software is well developed
2. Hardware Independent
Our valet parking software solution operates seamlessly on
Any device using a web browser
And a 20 Mbps internet connection
The system's tremendous flexibility
Making it independent on any specific hardware
3. Flexible valet tickets
Our Valet Parking System is Compatible with
Pre-printed Tickets
System-generated Tickets
Plastic Reusable Tickets
E-tickets : By SMS or WhatsApp share
4. White labeled multi tenant system
The entire Valet Parking Software can be entirely customized with your company's logo
And you will be able to easily build many customer locations and manage Valet Parking Operations using this system.
Furthermore, the super admin has full system administration
And access to all customer location users and master reports
5. 6 stage ticket life cycle
The Check-in
On The Way
Ready For Collection
6. Ticket price flexible denomination
Super admin can quickly configure different ticket types with varying ticket cost computations, such as
Per hour base charge
Fixed ticket charge
Complimentary ticket
Depending on each site where valet parking operations are conducted
7. Outlet tickets validation control
There are several outlets like a spa, fitness center, and restaurant in the majority of five- or seven-star hotels.
Therefore, our valet parking outlet validation capabilities can be utilized at this outlet and validate the ticket if guests visit any other outlets
The user of the lobby will be able to verify if this ticket has been validated from the so-and-so outlet whenever guests return and request a car
8. Display system web link
Location with the busiest engagement valet parking The Q Display technology has many benefits.
The actual status of the requested car, whether it is in transit or available for pickup, will be displayed on the screen.
As a result, lobby users can operate more efficiently and productively
9. Self check in & self check out
This is an extremely great feature that guests can use the QR code to order the car before they go to the vehicle collecting location.
Similar to that, the lobby area may include a significant QR code that visitors can scan and enter their phone number or number plate to self-check in.
After self-check-in is complete, the valet attendant will drive your car to the parking lot.
10. Multiple user roles & master settings
The amount of assignable user roles varies depending on the operating environment.
Users of the lobby are sufficient to manage key room management and some location vehicle collections. However, some processes call for more complex setups, such as multiple entries and multiple key rooms.
In these situations, it is vital to have a large user base, such as users in the lobby who supervise the entryway and users in the key room who supervise the parking lot's keys.
Similarly, certain operating site clients need the finance team to watch over real-time transactions after which access to reports should be required.
Your valet parking business will become more productive and efficient thanks to our system's incredible adaptability, which can manage any challenging circumstance
11. Compatible with 3rd party solutions
Any third-party service, such as a payment gateway, an SMS gateway, or your current internal software, can be integrated without causing any issues.
Our technical professionals will provide API Integration support